
Friday, April 18, 2014

The Spring Holidays Are Here

Star Date: 18 April, 3014

Happy birthday, Lyris! The Birthday Shop in Soluna City Main has been updated with a new E-Blade to honor Lyris on the occasion of the anniversary of her birth. Thank you for the art, Clarion! But that's not all the spring holiday news...

<bzzzincoming transmissionzzt> It's Ash

Greetings! As you may have noticed if you follow me on Twitter or visit the forums (you should visit them!) I asked what planet you all wanted a revamp of. The answer was a resounding, "LAGOS!"* So, being the nice guy that I am, I went to work revamping some of the stuff from there.
The planet has a bunch of stuff so I had to split the work up between adding stuff for the Easter re-release and getting the Earth Day items ready. Right now if you visit the Hideout you'll find some new levels of the mechs in the Anchorman and Wolf shops as well as more levels of items in the weapons shop. I haven't forgotten about the Build A Mech models or the Pirate weapons and all that good stuff. That will all come next week!**
I'll be doing other planets and other places in the future as well so be on the lookout for my next poll of what people want!
Enjoy these and the Easter Release! Have fun!

 I give you ... ... ... ...LANCEBUNNY! ...

*I possibly lost hearing from the amount of yelling for Lagos.

 ** I don't revamp things early or late. I revamp them exactly when they should be done.

Wow Ash! Thanks!

Next Tuesday, the Earth Day shop will open in Soluna City, and the weapons will be available for the higher levels this year. Be sure to log in - and as an extra bonus we will extend the DOUBLE REWARDS while the Earth Day shop is open! It will stay open for nine days, closing on May First. May f- ... Maypril!

Maypril is coming! The f001 mecha really doesn't want you to use a body attack, so we've been in a long wrestling match with him. Ash & blues have worked out some specials to make this model worth the wait. Will it be ready on Maypril (May the 1st)? Or will we release it without the body attack and fix it later? Who will win? We are very dogged and determined, so you should not be disappointed, whatever happens. And wait - there's more... Part Two of the April Fool mission will finally open for you! 

We're also working out the details of several projects that are still under wraps, so keep your ears to twitter and your eyes on the forums! Thanks so much for playing and have a wonderful weekend!