Monday, April 25, 2011
Maypril 3011 Pricing
The Prices Are Both Great AND Greaqt!**
As promised, here is the advance-notice rundown of the pricing for the One-Day-Only Maypril Mecha Models for 3011
Credits models - Star Captains get exclusive specials!
L10 (levels with you to 14) - 30000 credits
L15 (levels with you to 19) - 180000 credits
L20 (levels with you to 24) - 240000 credits
L25 (levels with you to 29) - 300000 credits
L30 (levels with you to 34) - 360000 credits
L35 (levels with you to 39) - 420000 credits
L40 (levels with you to 44) - 480000 credits
L45 (levels with you to 49) - 540000 credits
Nova Gem models are deeply* discounted! These Maypril NG models are priced at 10% below the cost of a normal, non-scaling mecha model of the base level! So for example, a normal, non-Holiday, non-scaling Level 41 mecha is priced at 2050 Nova Gems. The Maypril NG version is ten percent lower than that!!
(Normally, a rare levels-with-you model that goes all the way from L41 to L50 would be... the price of a rare L50. See for example the Shadowwolf DX41 / Shadowhawk DX41 / Shadowraven DX41 - which price out at 3000 NGs.)
Nova Gem Models - Discounted!
L11 (levels with you to 20) - 495 NGs
L21 (levels with you to 30) - 945 NGs
L31 (levels with you to 40) - 1395 NGs
L41 (levels with you to 50) - 1845 NGs
So, stock up on those Nova Gems and "farm" those credits!
**Korin and Vivi and I had a discussion to set these prices. After we hammered out the details, and I set up a chart for us with the pricing schedule, I asked Vivi to proofread.
Vivi says (4:00 PM)prices look greaqt***
great even
Korin says (4:02 PM)let it be known. the prices are both great AND greaqt
Maegwyn AE says (4:02 PM)HAHA
I shall let this be known > : D promised...
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