
Friday, May 7, 2010


It is I, Jemini, Time Traveler Extraordinaire! And what you don't realize is....this message is coming from....THE FUTURE!


Anyway, down to business...Char has created a device that allows you to follow me through wormholes. Through time and space!! WHOAMG!! What!?! The Dragonoid Saga is sure taking some exciting turns... If you're having trouble accessing this part of the quest's what you should do: Check and make sure you've done absolutely everything. And I do mean everything! Can't remember what everything is? Whelp your in luck! Cause I'm going to remind you....

1. Start Dean Warlic's Quests, go to the Moon, finish the Quests and beat the Kingadent!

2. Use the Star Map to visit Planet 51 - complete all steps necessary to become the Grand Champion. There are 20 ranks to achieve!

3. Travel to Planet Westion and complete all quests, including the Bug War One and Two! You can find those in the Research Labs and the Inn in Khaeldron - Take the train in Westion to go there.

4. Use the Star Map in Soluna City's News Screen to travel to Planet Gark for the introduction to the Planet Lagos storyline.

5. Use the Star Map in Soluna City's News Screen to travel to Planet Lagos. From the War Screen, click “Replay War” and then “Rescue Robina” to play the Lagos Storyline (note: You can also talk to Prince Robert on Gark to reach the Lagos Storyline). Complete all quests for Robert and Robina, and then play the Arthurian vs. Pirate War.

6. Visit Dean Warlic in his office at the University. He has important information for you. (Doesn't he always! :P) Once you've finished all this, a new NPC will appear! Look behind your back in Warlic's Office!

7. Warlic's dialogue will now give you access to the Braddock Steele Vacation/Shadowscythe War on Lagos.

Wowza that's a lot of stuff! Now that we're up to speed you can talk to Char to get the release. If your still having trouble you can replay the vacation war boss fight if you did everything, and I do mean everything, but can't get the release.

YES you are supposed to be sent to the University - so go up to see the Dean and talk to Char! If you haven't done everything you need to do, you SHOULD be sent to the News Screen. that that's off my chest. Lets continue. My name is Jemini, I'm a well...Gemini, I have a weakness for kittens and I can't help but pick up shinny things!

Just look at how shinny that is! Aren't you mesmerized by its Shinny! Well! Aren't you!?! Anyway, It seems this Metal Element has caused Miko and the people of Planet Yokai some problems...thanks to me. (Whoops...Sorry!...or am I?) So don't just sit there....go explore that planet!

I hope you guys enjoy this release. Thanks for playing! And just try to catch me! ^_~.